It’s no surprise to those who’ve lived in Oklahoma for an extended amount of time that we are quickly approaching storm season. Being an Oklahoman, we know that springtime brings with it the need to keep up with the weather in order to be prepared for anything.
The first priority to help you ease your mind and ensure you and your family are prepared is to create a plan of action before a severe storm is heading your way. Talk through the steps your family should take if large hail, damaging winds, flooding or a tornado is impacting the area you’re in. You can visit our website to learn more.
The City of Oklahoma City also has great guides and resources to help you stay alert when a severe weather event is coming through central Oklahoma.
Some easy things to remember are:
Stay home if you can.
If you are on the road, find a safe, permanent place to shelter as quickly as possible.
Don’t try to outrun a tornado. If you can’t get off the road, you should pull over, duck down below the windows in the vehicle, keep your seatbelts fastened and cover your head with your hands or a blanket or cushion.
It’s the way of life around here, but if you take the time to prepare, stay aware and react quickly when notified of the storm, you and your family should come through safely.